Green-way Documents
Mitigation Documents
In 2008 Kitsap county rebuilt Hood Canal Drive. Just south of the Club House, construction affected wetlands in the culvert and habitat adjacent to it. To mitigate the effect on that area, they designated an area on our green-way as a wetland. The Mitigation Area is located south of the wood fence along the path to the beach. The county replanted the area and built the fence with the gravel path.
Green-way Maintenance
A collection of documented conversations between the county and Shore Woods regarding land use and maintenance.
Government Reports
Activity on or near our green-way.
Green-way Flora and Fauna
Great Blue Herons
Herons had a large rookery of about 30 nests in the woods south of the green-way. Unfortunately, they were raided by Bald Eagles a few years ago and have yet to repopulate their nesting ground. But they can still often be seen flying overhead or standing at the water line, keeping an eye out for food.
Osprey are frequent residents and can often be seen in our green-way.